I want to extract fields like date, site, etc from the below log (jason), how can I do this?
hey try this run anywhere search
| makeresults
| eval _raw="[{\"date\":\"2018-01-30\",\"site\":\"S01027\",\"routePublishCount\":\"17\",\"routeCount\":\"97\",\"customerCount\":\"931\"},{\"date\":\"2018-01-30\",\"site\":\"S02923\",\"routePublishCount\":\"16\",\"routeCount\":\"119\",\"customerCount\":\"1248\"},{\"date\":\"2018-01-30\",\"site\":\"S03175\",\"routePublishCount\":\"14\",\"routeCount\":\"79\",\"customerCount\":\"701\"},{\"date\":\"2018-01-30\",\"site\":\"S03422\",\"routePublishCount\":\"24\",\"routeCount\":\"146\",\"customerCount\":\"1486\"}]"
| spath
| rename {}.* as *
In your environment, you should try
| spath
| rename {}.* as *
| table date site
let me know if this helps!
Splunk can do some automatic handling of Json. After your initial search command, try piping either
| spath
| extract pairdelim="{,}" kvdelim=":"
can you give me a complete search query?
I am doing,
index=* | table date, site
I didn't pay close attention to your example being a single event multivalue json, so not entirely sure this will work:
| extract pairdelim="{,}" kvdelim=":"
| table date, site
there are other commands for handling multivalue like mvexpand
Not sure why but the above query is returning only single value from the jason. Please help.
date site
2018-01-30 S01027