I am looking to enable an export to csv button in web framework (where you can hover over the bottom of a table to click the export button). How do you do this in the web framework? My table view looks as follows, what needs to be added?
var table_site = new TableView({
id: 'table_site',
managerid: 'table_site_results',
height: 700,
pageSize: 70,
drilldown: "none",
el: $('#table_site')
I've figured it out. I should not use TableView, but TableElement instead. TableElement is the simple xml wrapper that has the various buttons at the bottom.
Then, TableView can be extracted from TableElement, if you still need to apply a cell renderer. Remember to include the element in the "require" section:
{% block js %}
{# JavaScript goes here #}
// Load the required libraries
var deps = [
require(deps, function(mvc,utils,TokenUtils,_,$,DashboardController, SearchManager, PostProcessManager, MultiDropDownView, ChartView, TableView, TableElement, DropDownView, Backbone, DebugView) {
..... etc etc etc.....
var table_site = new TableElement({
"id": "table_site",
"dataOverlayMode": "none",
"drilldown": "cell",
"rowNumbers": "false",
"wrap": "true",
pageSize: 70,
drilldown: "none",
"managerid": "table_site_results",
"el": $('#table_site'),
"link.exportResults.visible": true,
"link.visible": true
}, {tokens: true}).render();
var cellRenderer = new CustomCells();
// Register custom cell renderer
// Force the table to re-render
I've figured it out. I should not use TableView, but TableElement instead. TableElement is the simple xml wrapper that has the various buttons at the bottom.
Then, TableView can be extracted from TableElement, if you still need to apply a cell renderer. Remember to include the element in the "require" section:
{% block js %}
{# JavaScript goes here #}
// Load the required libraries
var deps = [
require(deps, function(mvc,utils,TokenUtils,_,$,DashboardController, SearchManager, PostProcessManager, MultiDropDownView, ChartView, TableView, TableElement, DropDownView, Backbone, DebugView) {
..... etc etc etc.....
var table_site = new TableElement({
"id": "table_site",
"dataOverlayMode": "none",
"drilldown": "cell",
"rowNumbers": "false",
"wrap": "true",
pageSize: 70,
drilldown: "none",
"managerid": "table_site_results",
"el": $('#table_site'),
"link.exportResults.visible": true,
"link.visible": true
}, {tokens: true}).render();
var cellRenderer = new CustomCells();
// Register custom cell renderer
// Force the table to re-render
Hi @jamesvz,
I also need that function in my dashboard , currently im also using the framework .
I would like ask if the search ex. {% savedsearchmanager id="search2" searchname="sample_search" app="search" %} shoul i also convert it to
var search1 = new SearchManager({
"id": "search1",
"cancelOnUnload": true,
"earliest_time": "-24h@h",
"search": "index=_internal | top limit=100 sourcetype | eval percent = round(percent,2)",
"latest_time": "now",
"status_buckets": 0,
"app": utils.getCurrentApp(),
"auto_cancel": 90,
"preview": true
}, {tokens: true, tokenNamespace: "submitted"});
no you dont, just in the blockmanager.
Glad you found your answer @jamesvz84 🙂 Please be sure to accept your answer by clicking on the check mark next to your response so other people with similar issues/questions will turn to this post for help. Thanks!