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Combine multiple index searches into one overall stat



I'm trying to create a RAG dashboard that will show different colours should an issue occur with a service e.g. if a service stops working the stat would show as one and the colour would turn red, I can do this but what I am struggling with is combining multiple index searches into one overall stat e.g. index "windows_perfmon" disk runs out of space, stat increases to 1, a winhostmon index service stops and that stat increases to one, I'm struggling to combine these into one overall stat which would be 2 in this example. 

The current search I am using is: 

(index=winhostmon host="Splunktest" "Type=Service" sourcetype=WinHostMon DisplayName="Print Spooler" OR DisplayName="Snow Inventory Agent" StartMode="Auto" State="Stopped") OR
(index="windows_perfmon" host="Splunktest" object="LogicalDisk" counter="% Free Space" OR counter="Free Megabytes")
| eval diskInfoA = if(counter=="% Free Space",mvzip(instance,Value),null())
| eval diskInfoA1 = if(isnotnull(diskInfoA),mvzip(diskInfoA,counter),null())
| eval diskInfoB = if(counter=="Free Megabytes",mvzip(instance,Value),null())
| eval diskInfoB1 = if(isnotnull(diskInfoB),mvzip(diskInfoB,counter),null())
| stats list(diskInfoA1) AS "diskInfoA1", list(diskInfoB1) AS "diskInfoB1" by host, instance, _time
| makemv diskInfoA1 delim=","
| makemv diskInfoB1 delim=","
| eval freePerc = mvindex(diskInfoA1,1)
| eval freeMB = mvindex(diskInfoB1,1)
| eval usage=round(100-freePerc,2)
| eval GB = round(freeMB/1024,2)
| eval totalDiskGB = GB/(freePerc/100)
| stats max(usage) AS "Disk Usage", max(GB) AS "Disk Free", max(totalDiskGB) AS "Total Disk Size (GB)" by host instance
| where not instance="_Total"
| where NOT LIKE(instance,"%Hard%")
| search "Disk Usage" >90
| stats count

The result I get is just count=1 

Note in the above example I have stopped the print spooler on the server so the event count should be 2 as there is a disk that is also running above 90%

I have also tried the append version but again I cannot get it to combine the results.

index=winhostmon host="Splunktest" "Type=Service" sourcetype=WinHostMon DisplayName="Print Spooler" OR DisplayName="Snow Inventory Agent" StartMode="Auto" State="Stopped" | stats count|rename count as Service

|append [ search index="windows_perfmon" host="Splunktest" object="LogicalDisk" counter="% Free Space" OR counter="Free Megabytes"

| eval diskInfoA = if(counter=="% Free Space",mvzip(instance,Value),null())

| eval diskInfoA1 = if(isnotnull(diskInfoA),mvzip(diskInfoA,counter),null())

| eval diskInfoB = if(counter=="Free Megabytes",mvzip(instance,Value),null())

| eval diskInfoB1 = if(isnotnull(diskInfoB),mvzip(diskInfoB,counter),null())

| stats list(diskInfoA1) AS "diskInfoA1", list(diskInfoB1) AS "diskInfoB1" by host, instance, _time

| makemv diskInfoA1 delim=","

| makemv diskInfoB1 delim=","

| eval freePerc = mvindex(diskInfoA1,1)

| eval freeMB = mvindex(diskInfoB1,1)

| eval usage=round(100-freePerc,2)

| eval GB = round(freeMB/1024,2)

| eval totalDiskGB = GB/(freePerc/100)

| stats max(usage) AS "Disk Usage", max(GB) AS "Disk Free", max(totalDiskGB) AS "Total Disk Size (GB)" by host instance

| where not instance="_Total"

| where NOT LIKE(instance,"%Hard%")

| search "Disk Usage" >90

| stats count|rename count as Disk


The end goal of this is to just show one stat on a dashboard and when you click on that number it opens another dashboard that shows you the detail. 


Any help would be appreciated. 

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