Getting Data In

Collectd dosent send data to splunk

Path Finder

Hello Splunkers ,

I install collectd in the same server when i install splunk , i want to get the system data from this server
the collectd service is active but i can't see any data in splunk ,

this is the configuration under collectd.conf :

LoadPlugin write_http

URL "https://X.X.X.X:8088/services/collector/raw?channel=bfd29681-2722-48c7-8495-05f492dd2bce"
Header "Authorization: Splunk bfd29681-2722-48c7-8495-05f492dd2bce"
Format "JSON"
Metrics true
StoreRates true

server "X.X.X.X"
port "8088"
token "bfd29681-2722-48c7-8495-05f492dd2bce"
ssl false
verifyssl false

Any help please ?

0 Karma


have you used http event collector?

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

you can also check /etc/collectd.log or your os equivalent path to see what the issue is.

I recommend using the easy installer that comes with Splunk app for infrastructure!

- MattyMo
0 Karma

Path Finder

Thank you @mmodestino_splunk it's very helpfull

0 Karma
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