Hi Splunk Community --
I'm trying to ensure that my cluster master is sending internal logs to the indexer. Which directory in my cluster master should I put outputs. conf? And are there other conf files that should accompany my outputs.conf file?
Hi @Ne_phil,
Why shoud you use an outputs.conf to send Master Node's logs to indexers?
it's a single machine, you can easily configure forwarding by GUI [Settings > Forwardring and Receiving > Forwardring] and Splunk will send all logs, without thinking to which folders having to monitor.
in our environment our cluster master (master node) and indexers (peer nodes) are all on separate servers and we are trying to set it up from backend instead of the GUI.
Ho @Ne_phil
as a best pratcice create app in location $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/
ex: clm_forwarder_outputs--->local--->outputs.conf
add indexer ips and restart splunk
I’m not following the example but placing the app in$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps makes sense.
But why not just put the outputs.conf in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local?
Hi @Ne_phil
even $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local location
also works, but from etc/apps/ it can be managed globally if you place it etc/apps/.
either ways its works