I have installed both Cisco Security Suite and Cisco Firewall Add-On, I have UDP 514 port excepting log data from a Syslogs server. I can view realtime data in the Cisco Firewall app, but no results in the Cisco Security Suite. Is there something I'm missing?
I am also in the same predicament that the Cisco Security Overview does not display Global Security Events, Top Threats, Top Sources, Top Destinations, Top Services, Security Event Statistics by Sourcetype and Security Event Statistics by Host
Hi I have the same issue and my sourcetype is cisco::asa??
After running into the same issue, the sourcetype renaming is probably not occurring because the regular expression used to force the sourcetype was changed from the previous version of the Splunk for Firewall app. Below shows what the previous version had specified in the transforms.conf, and what it was changed to.
It was updated
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Sourcetype
REGEX = %ASA-\d+-\d+
FORMAT = sourcetype::cisco_asa
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Sourcetype
#REGEX = %ASA-\d+-\d+
REGEX = %ASA--\d+-\d+
FORMAT = sourcetype::cisco_asa
Note the extra - in the Regex.
So to change this, just create a transforms.conf in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/Splunk_CiscoFirewalls/local, if not already there, and update the REGEX string.
I get the same thing here, it worked before the update. I hope some one fixes this.