I am trying to log "Bad Passwords" or "Access Denied" attempts on the ASA and alert on them with Splunk:
I have the Cisco ASA 5510 Syslog setup and pointed to Splunk and I am getting data into Splunk but cannot search and see find the bad password attempts. I am running Cisco 8.2.1 I have changed the logging trap warnings to notifications with no effect.
logging enable
logging console notifications
logging trap warnings
logging device-id hostname
logging host inside
You should be looking for:
%ASA-6-605004: Login denied from source-address/source-port to interface:destination/service for user “username”
%ASA-6-605005: Login permitted from source-address/source-port to interface:destination/service for user “username”~
Log level has to be set to informational. Event ID is 605004.