I've got my universal forwarders and heavy forwarders doing indexer discovery through the cluster master like so ...
* outputs.conf *
pass4SymmKey = {password}
master_uri = https://{my cluster master}.domain.foo:8089
indexerDiscovery = clustermaster
useACK = true
defaultGroup = clustermastergroup
Is there any reason I could not do the same in the cluster master's outputs.conf file? Basically, it would ask itself over 8098 who the peer nodes are.
if you are using it for clients then you should use it also for CM.
I did apply the outputs.conf config to the cluster master and indeed it did work just fine.
For the master_uri configuration did you use the same value as for the Forwarders or did you use the loopback interface address (e.g.
I used the DNS entry for simplicity sake so that all the machines are set up the same way.