I am thinking to use data duplication function in clustering environment. As I do not need to duplicate summary index, I would like to configure which index to duplicate in clustering environment. Does somebody know if it is possible? If possible, please let me know how to configure?
You should be able to set the replication factor for a specific index using the repFactor parameter in indexes.conf.
The description of this option is here:
repFactor = <nonnegative integer>|"auto" * Only relevant if this instance is a clustering slave (but see note about "auto" below). * See server.conf spec for details on clustering configuration. * Value of 0 turns off replication for this index. * If set to "auto", slave will use whatever value the master is configured with * Highest legal value is 4294967295
If you want to dictate that a given index should not be replicated, set repFactor = 1.