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Am I using splunk-ansible playbook for role splunk_standalone correctly?


Hi there,

I am writing ansible playbooks that configure my local splunk universal forwarders.
To setup a mock receiver under test, I am trying to correctly use the splunk-ansible github playbook / roles. I can setup a splunk_standalone ok, and it says it's ready to receive forwarded inputs on 9777, but I can't seem to connect to it correctly.

How do I run the playbook to create an unlicensed vm for a test scenario, that can accept forwarders?
There aren't any great (work out of the box) examples out there in the documentation.

I am using molecule to spin up a pair of vagrant VMs; a 'splunk' centos VM (receiver) with the splunk_standalone role applied ( splunk splunk-ansible), and an 'ubuntu' VM with my own universal forwarder role applied. The version of splunk is the latest trial tgz from free enterprise 60 day trial.

To converge the receiver, I synced the code and added the splunk_standalone role to the test suite roles path, and ran the role directly from a molecule converge playbook. I had to make some guesses about which vars to define, starting with the example defaults.yml for linux, which was a little incomplete.

Before I run the play, I have to create the splunk dir, the splunk user and group, and afterwards, I configure inputs.conf.

The included vars I used to run the play are:

hide_password: false
delay_num: 3
splunk_password: <sekret password>
splunk_gid: 500
splunk_uid: 500

# Splunk defaults plus remainder that allow play to run without error
retry_num: 100
    # TASK [splunk_standalone : Enable HEC services] *********************************
    admin_user: molecule
    # TASK [splunk_common : Apply Splunk license] ************************************
    ignore_license: true
    # TASK [splunk_common : Download Splunk license] *********************************
    # TASK [splunk_standalone : include_tasks] ***************************************
    # TASK [splunk_common : Set as license slave] ************************************
    license_master_included: false
    role: splunk_standalone
    # TASK [splunk_common : include_tasks] *******************************************
    build_location: <my-desktop>/splunk-7.2.4-8a94541dcfac-Linux-x86_64.tgz

    opt: /opt
    home: /opt/splunk
    user: splunk
    group: splunk
    exec: /opt/splunk/bin/splunk
    pid: /opt/splunk/var/run/splunk/
    password: "{{ splunk_password | default('invalid_password') }}"
    # This will be the secret that Splunk will use to encrypt/decrypt.
    # secret: <secret>
    svc_port: 8089
    s2s_port: 9997
    # s2s_enable opens the s2s_port for splunktcp ingestion.
    s2s_enable: 0
    http_port: 8000
    # This will turn on SSL on the GUI and sets the path to the certificate to be used.
    http_enableSSL: 0
    # http_enableSSL_cert:
    # http_enableSSL_privKey:
    # http_enableSSL_privKey_password:
    hec_port: 8088
    hec_disabled: 0
    hec_enableSSL: 1
    #The hec_token here is used for INGESTION only (receiving splunk events).
    #Setting up your environment to forward events out of the cluster is another matter entirely
    hec_token: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
        default: /opt/splunk/etc/apps
        shc: /opt/splunk/etc/shcluster/apps
        idxc: /opt/splunk/etc/master-apps
        httpinput: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/splunk_httpinput

    # Search Head Clustering
        enable: false
        #Change these before deploying
        secret: some_secret
        replication_factor: 3
        replication_port: 9887

    # Indexer Clustering
        #Change before deploying
        secret: some_secret
        search_factor: 2
        replication_factor: 3
        replication_port: 9887

When the VMs are converged, logging in with molecule login -h <hostname>, netcat says their ssh ports are visible to each other. The VMs are configured to broadcast/receive on the ip range. Spunk receiver is at and splunk forwarder is at

nc -zv 9997 run on the receiver says the port 9997 is connected to ok. But from the forwarder,nc -zv 9997 returns error. This is in line with errors seen on the forwarder in splunk.log:

ERROR TcpOutputFd - Connection to host= failed
WARN  TcpOutputProc - Applying quarantine to ip= port=9997 _numberOfFailures=2

On the receiver, splunk list inputstatus shows:

<snipped local log listeners>
tcp_cooked:listenerports :

There's no active firewalls on the VMs, they're lightweight configurations for testing config management code.

Currently, the receiver inputs at ./system/local/inputs.conf (or if I use the web UI, ./apps/splunk_monitoring_console/local/inputs.conf) are set to:

listenOnIPv6 = no
disabled = 0
acceptFrom =
connection_host = ip

I've tried this with ip6 enabled, and/or with connection_host set to none (dns is not configured on these hosts), but without success.

The forwarder outputs at ./system/local/outputs.conf is set to:

defaultGroup = default-autolb-group

server =


My sub questions are:

  1. Do the configs (vars used, inputs/outputs files) look reasonable?
  2. What is the right way to apply the ansible role for splunk_standalone, unlicensed, so it can accept forwarders? (aka, 'did I run the role incorrectly', or should I have run more than one role).
  3. Is the splunk_standalone role, unlicensed, able to accept forwarders?

Ideas? What other troubleshooting steps can I take?

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For example, in the docs for splunk containers, I see there is a way to generate defaults, instead of copy-pasting from the docs; and the documented way to run the play is to target using 'site.yml' directly to control the process.

Having skipped both of those, I am wondering if I missed something that would allow the receiver to accept things correctly. But since I'm new to this, it could be literally anything.

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