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Akamai WAF integration with Splunk

New Member

I have installed akamai add on for splunk in our HF.


I followed the documentation but after installing the add on not seeing any option to add api input.

It shows only dashboard. Not seeing any option called “ ​Akamai​ Security Incident Event Manager API” under data inputs. So, not able to ingest data.


Can anyone help here please.


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Instead of looking in the app, please try clicking on Settings -> then click on Data Inputs and then look for Akamai​ Security Incident Event Manager API. Once you locate it, click on it and follow the instructions mentioned on this page:

Thank you,
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New Member


I tried with the option. But no luck. 

Not seeing any option called "Akamai​ Security Incident Event Manager API" under data inputs of settings.

0 Karma

New Member


You need to install Java JRE 1.8+ before installing Akamai Splunk Connector. For example, use "yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk" if your HF is based on Linux CentOS.


0 Karma

New Member

can anyone help please.

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New Member

I was also facing the same issue. You need to instal the Java and then restart splunk you would be able to see it.

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