I have installed akamai add on for splunk in our HF.
I followed the documentation but after installing the add on not seeing any option to add api input.
It shows only dashboard. Not seeing any option called “ Akamai Security Incident Event Manager API” under data inputs. So, not able to ingest data.
Can anyone help here please.
Instead of looking in the app, please try clicking on Settings -> then click on Data Inputs and then look for Akamai Security Incident Event Manager API. Once you locate it, click on it and follow the instructions mentioned on this page:
I tried with the option. But no luck.
Not seeing any option called "Akamai Security Incident Event Manager API" under data inputs of settings.
You need to install Java JRE 1.8+ before installing Akamai Splunk Connector. For example, use "yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk" if your HF is based on Linux CentOS.
can anyone help please.
I was also facing the same issue. You need to instal the Java and then restart splunk you would be able to see it.