Deployment Architecture

default_namespace in an LDAP, multi-tenant, SHC


We have different groups in our company. Each group gets an app, say acme_search. There are roles associated with the app, for example acme_user. This role is then mapped to an LDAP group. One of the template files included with the base app install is acme_search/default/user-prefs.conf which contains:

default_namespace = acme_search

I've noticed just recently that all users are being sent to the search app by default. I swear this used to work as expected. This really sucks because newbs start creating artifacts, reports, alerts, dashboards, etc in search instead of their "Acme" app. And untangling that mess is not trivial. Not to mention the confusion it sows in the user base.

It appears that the (relatively new?) default app user-prefs is overriding my per app config file. In a standalone SH env, if I put that stanza into user-prefs/local/user-prefs.conf it works. Doing that in an SHC env is tricky/hacky/gross. I presume it would work in system/local as well, while also presenting SHC problems. More to the point, I need it to be bundled with the app. Trying to manage a common user-prefs.conf file for 400+ different roles is not something I want to tackle.

FWIW, btool shows good, but this setting has no impact on actual use.

> splunk btool user-prefs list role_acme
default_namespace = acme_search

Am I missing something? Any workarounds?

Splunk 6.5.1 (tested on 6.5.2 as well)
SHC and indexer cluster


0 Karma
1 Solution


Until there's a better option I've scripted out a little job to concatenate the various default/user-prefs.conf from my template-based apps into one file for the user-prefs app. Not pretty but it works.


# where are our apps?

# if in SHC env, use this instead

# the file we want to write to

# back it up
cp $FILE $FILE.$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")

# start with a clean slate
echo '[general_default]
default_earliest_time = -60m@m
default_latest_time = now

' > $FILE

# collect up the default/user-prefs, which should only include the bit we want
for n in $(find $SPLUNKAPPS -name user-prefs.conf | grep default | grep -v /user-prefs/)
    echo "### $n" >> $FILE
    cat $n >> $FILE
    echo "###" >> $FILE

View solution in original post

0 Karma


Until there's a better option I've scripted out a little job to concatenate the various default/user-prefs.conf from my template-based apps into one file for the user-prefs app. Not pretty but it works.


# where are our apps?

# if in SHC env, use this instead

# the file we want to write to

# back it up
cp $FILE $FILE.$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")

# start with a clean slate
echo '[general_default]
default_earliest_time = -60m@m
default_latest_time = now

' > $FILE

# collect up the default/user-prefs, which should only include the bit we want
for n in $(find $SPLUNKAPPS -name user-prefs.conf | grep default | grep -v /user-prefs/)
    echo "### $n" >> $FILE
    cat $n >> $FILE
    echo "###" >> $FILE
0 Karma

Path Finder

Any news here?
Is there still no better solution?

SHC seems not so easy to manage ...

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

Does acme_user role has access to acme_search app?


0 Karma


Yes. They can manually switch to the app, and save artifacts there. But I want them to START in the app by default. Not Launcher.

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

ok, we are also running SHC but we are pushing user-prefs/local/user-prefs.conf from Deployer to all SH for all the apps to manage it centrally.

0 Karma


Trying to avoid that. (Also, the Deployer only pushes default. Anything in local on the Deployer is reconciled with default and pushed to the SHC as default. FYI.)

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

Yes I know that is default behaviour when you deploy app from deployer.

0 Karma
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