Deployment Architecture

With out Cluster master, set up High availability server.

Loves-to-Learn Everything

Hi team,


My project Zone  1  have Deployment server , HF and (SH+Indexer)

Zone 2  also  Deployment server ,HF and (SH+Indexer)  and don't have cluster  master


My requirement is set up  High availability server configuretion Zone1 and zone 2  , I have plan to set  up zone 2 search +indexer server -->setting s  -->indexercluster  --> here i will give masternode is deploymentserver of zone1   because of i don't have cluster master in my project, please guide me my requirement.




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Hi @vijreddy30,

are you speaking of HA using a single site clusters (even if machines are located in more sites) or DR using a multisite cluster?

they are really different!

in the first case you have to configure your Replication Factor and Search Factor so in one site you have a full searchable copy of your data.

Anyway, in both cases you can see at how to configure the Indexer Cluster and at how to configure a Search Head Cluster.

The management servers (Cluster Master, Deployer, Deployment Server, License Master and Monitoring Console) , are unique in the Splunk Architecture and the DR site will work also without them (for a little period): they aren't a single Point of Failure.

Eventually, you could consider to have a turned off copy of them in the secondary site.

You can find a description of these architecture at 



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