What is origin? I just don't understand what it means...
As in the command -
~/cmaster/bin/splunk edit cluster-config -mode master -multisite true
-site site1 -available_sites site1,site2 -site_replication_factor origin:1,total:2 -site_search_factor origin:1,total:2 -replication_factor 1 -search_factor 1 -secret xxxx
The 'origin' refers to the site which contains the original raw data (bucket). The term -site_replication_factor origin:1,total:2
means that there will be 1 copy of raw data bucket in the site where data was originated (indexed) (1 copy means just the original copy) and there will be a total of 2 copied of that data available in the cluster (so since origin site has 1, other 1 copy (2-1=1) will be replicated to other site(s)).
The 'origin' refers to the site which contains the original raw data (bucket). The term -site_replication_factor origin:1,total:2
means that there will be 1 copy of raw data bucket in the site where data was originated (indexed) (1 copy means just the original copy) and there will be a total of 2 copied of that data available in the cluster (so since origin site has 1, other 1 copy (2-1=1) will be replicated to other site(s)).
Crystal clear as always - thank you @somesoni2 !!!