Deployment Architecture

Using Dynamic Dropdown values in link to dashboard option of dashboard studio

Path Finder

I have a dashboard named dashboard1 created using splunk dashboard studio. It has dropdown as below :



Based on the selection here, it displays line graph. Example : AWSAccount selected, line graph contains different account ids. (xyseries, $Account_Selection$,costing)


There is another dashboard  (dashboard2) which has details of the AWSAccounts. It has two dropdowns again- awsaccountid, accountname.

My requirement is Example :  when I click on any line in the dashboard1 (where each line is different AWSAccount). It should direct to dashboard2 with this AWSAccount selected in dropdown of dashboard2. Similarly if AWSAccountName  is selected in dropdown and any account is clicked in the panel, it should direct to dashoard2 with the same AWSAccountName in the dashboard2 dropdown. 
If AWSAccount is selected and clicked, accountname in dashboardw will have default value "All" i.e *. viceversa if AWSAccountName selected.

What I have done ?
Under interactions , I selected link to dashboard with dashboard2 and gave
Token name = account_id (this is the token set in dashboard 2)
Value = Name





 "eventHandlers": [
                    "type": "drilldown.linkToDashboard",
                    "options": {
                        "app": "Search",
                        "dashboard": "dashboard2",
                        "newTab": true,
                        "tokens": [
                                "token": "awsaccountid",
                                "value": "name"
"eventHandlers": [
                    "type": "drilldown.linkToDashboard",
                    "options": {
                        "app": "search",
                        "dashboard": "dashboard2",
                        "tokens": [
                                "token": "awsaccountid",
                                "value": "row.AWSAccount.value"
                        "newTab": true





This is working fine. But if I add AWSAccountName under tokens and pass value to it like above, it is causing AWSAccount value to be displayed in "awsaccountid" and "accountname" of dashboard2.

Please can anyone of you help me how to implement this.




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