Hi! I am new to Splunk. I just download the Splunk 4.1.4 tar file and untar on the host, What is the next step to configure Splunk on my Ubuntu Server.
Currently I am planning to configure splunk on ubuntu 10.4. Please sned me the documentation. Thanks.
try to use sudo ./splunk start
I know its old, but you shouldnt be running splunk as root.
Install as a splunk user. Then if this issue arises, do.
As Root:
Then as splunkuser
$ splunk start
one note I forgot to say... if you have splunk user in your system it'd be better to use "sudo -u splunk ..." to run under this user
before this command probably you will need to run "sudo chown -R splunk:splunk /opt/splunk" to change the owner from root to splunk
Thank you, Vladimir! I had the same problem with unability to create "/opt/splunk/etc/licenses/enterprise", your advice to use "sudo ./splunk start" helped!
Hi, can any one tell me how do I install splunkforwarder?
If you are using debian/ubuntu:
- download deb package
- in terminal lanch: sudo dpkg -i splunk_package_name.deb
splunk-4.1.5-85165-linux-2.6-intel.deb if you're using the 32 bit Ubuntu
Install the .deb. It works flawlessly on Ubuntu 10.04.
Hi, what is exact package name so that I can use aptitude to Install it on my ubuntu server.
cd to the dir where you untared
cd splunk/bin/
./splunk start
Please read the installation docs found at: http://www.splunk.com/base/Documentation/latest/Installation/InstallonLinux
You might start at http://www.splunk.com/base/Documentation/latest/Installation/InstallonLinux followed by http://www.splunk.com/base/Documentation/latest/Installation/StartSplunkforthefirsttime
BTW, you do know Splunk is available in .deb package format, which Ubuntu can natively install being a derivative of debian?
Thank you very much for you help. I will check it out.