Hi All,
We are hosting our indexes on Windows NAS path provided by our organisation.
NAS path that is used is as below
our splunk_DB points to \XYZ.adroot.ZZ\UK\abc\application\BFITSPUNK\Splunk\indexes as well. Indexing is happening fine without any issues.
When I login with admin to splunk web. I get an alert on the top right with the below error.
The diskspace remaining=5127 has breached the yellow threshold for filesystems=[\XYZ.adroot.ZZ\UK\abc\application\BFITSPUNK\Splunk\indexes_internaldb\db
when I check the free space its more that 500 GB.
Even in the monitoring console I see two entries shwoing incorrect free space.
Mount Point File System Type Disk Usage (GB) Disk Usage (%)
D: ntfs
7.28 / 400.00
7.28 / 400.00
\xyz.adroot.ZZ\UK\ ntfs
740.30 / 750.00
740.30 / 750.00
I see the monitoring is pointing to \xyz.adroot.ZZ\UK\ and not \XYZ.adroot.ZZ\UK\abc\application\BFITSPUNK\
How to fix this alert.