Deployment Architecture

Search Head Clustering is not enabled on this node. REST endpoint is not available

Path Finder


Anyone could help ..
Search Head Clustering is not enabled on this node. REST endpoint is not available

We have test env where SH cluster is there. i checked server.conf on each , all attributes are fine .they are connecting to deployer .

But probably i need to do some configuration in deployer because when i try to push an app from deplyoer , it gives the below error :

[ec2-user@ip bin]$ ./splunk show shcluster-status -auth admin:analytics
Search Head Clustering is not enabled on this node. REST endpoint is not available

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You should run all those commands on any of the members, NOT the deployer as you will get the error you are getting. All these commands run from the members (remember the captain does alot of the work here) and NOT the deployer:
splunk show shcluster-status
splunk list shcluster-members
splunk list shcluster-config
splunk rolling-restart shcluster-members

To make sure that you have the SHC members pointing to the right Deployer, run the command:
./bin/splunk list shcluster-config -auth username:password

Once you see the members are pointing to the right Deployer, that means you have set up and ready to push. simply place your untarred apps under /shcluster/apps and push with: splunk apply shcluster-bundle -target https://oneOfmySHs:8089

Check the apps have been deployed to /etc/apps folder on the members and run splunk rolling-restart shcluster-members on any peer if they have been downloaded by the peers and not taken affect. I.e when forwarding internal logs to idx layer, the SHC members might recieve app from the deployer but not implement, in that case, kick off a rolling restart.

I hope this helped, i have struggled with similar issues in the past wtih SHCs.


Revered Legend

Is the cluster working on it's own? Do you get valid and healthy status when you run /opt/splunk/bin/splunk show shcluster-status command (may prompt for admin credentials)?

0 Karma

Path Finder

Yes , this command gives the same result on deployer :

Search Head Clustering is not enabled on this node. REST endpoint is not available

While in the SHs, it shows the cluster status with captain

0 Karma

New Member

you are getting this because you are running the right command on the wrong node. deployer just pushes the app on search head nodes , SHC master is one of the search head node, so try to run the command from one of the search head node and it would show up the cluster info if SHC is configured correctly.


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