Hello there,
We have a Search Head Cluster in 6.5.3 which configured by default in "member by member".
Our configuration :
Splunk Documentation :
To enforce quotas on a member-by-member basis, use this configuration:
Version Default enforcement
6.3-6.4 cluster-wide
6.5+ member-by-member
However, while investigating skip ratio, it appears that logs are saying the opposite :
index=_internal sourcetype=scheduler status=skipped | stats count by concurrency_context
cluster-wide 1636
saved-search_cluster-wide 144
Does anyone knows if this is a logging issue or else ?
Thanks for any hint!
I have noticed the same behavior after updating to 6.6.3. last night. Even though instance level quotas should be enforced by default, the logs look as though a cluster level quota is being enforced instead.
I am currently looking through my configs. I will let you know if I make progress on my end.