Following is my JSON data: -
"message": [
"raw": "04/12/18 14:03:56 [28] ERROR :: TenantId = model-cps-czooarea05nap01 :: JobId = 383d529e-4d7a-465d-8823-798d6e661788 :: CalcType = Process Monitor :: UniSimInvokerServices.HttpHelper : Complete Exception Details: System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: A task was canceled.\r\n at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)\r\n at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)\r\n at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.
"severityLevel": "Error",
"className": "UniSimInvokerServices.HttpHelper+
"methodName": "MoveNext",
"lineNumber": 115,
"domain": "Honeywell.PMT.UOP.CPS.UniSimTaskService.exe",
"loggerName": "UTELogger",
"threadName": "28"
"internal": {
"data": {
"id": "7f55dcd3-f7cd-11e8-b587-fb20626c7e32",
"documentVersion": "1.61"
"context": {
"data": {
"eventTime": "2018-12-04T14:03:56.7939778Z",
"isSynthetic": false,
"samplingRate": 100
"cloud": {},
"device": {
"type": "PC",
"roleInstance": "usd-qa-wk1-eus",
"screenResolution": {}
"session": {
"isFirst": false
"operation": {},
"location": {
"clientip": "",
"continent": "North America",
"country": "United States",
"province": "Virginia",
"city": "Boydton"
"custom": {
"dimensions": [
"TenantId": "model-cps-czooarea05nap01"
"LoggerName": "UTELogger"
"CalcType": "Process Monitor"
"JobId": "383d529e-4d7a-465d-8823-798d6e661788"
"MethodName": "MoveNext"
"LineNumber": "115"
"Domain": "Honeywell.PMT.UOP.CPS.UniSimTaskService.exe"
"ThreadName": "28"
"ClassName": "UniSimInvokerServices.HttpHelper+
"FileName": "C:\Users\E542204\Source\Repos\cps-unisim-taskexecutor\Honeywell.PMT.UOP.CPS.UniSimInvoker\HttpHelper.cs"
I want to use the fields - TenantId, CalcType, ClassName, eventTime - in the email notification.
How to use these fields in email alert? What will be search string for such scenario?
it would be easier to help with more information. Do you already have those fileds extracted in your index?
What do you want to alert on, when a certain values shows up in those fields etc.?
Kind Regards
It's plausible that curly braces don't work in token names - if that's the case do rename the fields at the end of your search and use the cleaned names in your email tokens.
This is the search string: -
index=cpsprod sourcetype="mscs:storage:blob:cps-prod-unisim-taskexecutor" "message{}.severityLevel"=Error ""="" "context.custom.dimensions{}.CalcType"="" "context.custom.dimensions{}.TenantId"="*"
I am getting eventTime using $$.
Not getting values for $result.context.custom.dimensions{}.TenantId$ and $result.context.custom.dimensions{}.CalcType$