It may be simpler to use the rangemap command to do this. e.g. The following will set the value range to 1 if the count is between 1 and 100, 2 if it is between 101 and 110, 3 if between 111 and 700, 4 if it is over 700.
* | stats count by host | rangemap field=count 1=1-100 2=101-110 3=111-700 default=4
It may be simpler to use the rangemap command to do this. e.g. The following will set the value range to 1 if the count is between 1 and 100, 2 if it is between 101 and 110, 3 if between 111 and 700, 4 if it is over 700.
* | stats count by host | rangemap field=count 1=1-100 2=101-110 3=111-700 default=4
you can also use this with string bucket such as
| rangemap field=number tiny=0-1 small=1-10 medium=10-100 large=100-10000 default=enormous
You can simply use the eval
command's case()
function, e.g., ... | eval case(0<=myfield<8,0, 8<=myfield<15, 8, 15<=myfield<100, 15, 100<=myfield,100)
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking. You can set the bucket width quite easily as follows:
MySearchTerms | bucket MyField span=foo
Is this what you are looking to do? It appears to match the criteria you have given above, but I didn't know if you were looking to do something complex (for example, make buckets of different sizes, such as 0-10,10-30,30-60, etc.)
Yes I am looking to make buckets of different sizes.