Just wanted to know is there any bandwidth rate for splunk search head to retrieve the logs from Indexers for search-ability?
If yes how one can find it?
I dont believe there is a good way. Also their are other transfers happening such as bundle replication. Though the search below may help.
`dmc_set_index_introspection` host=your search head sourcetype=splunk_resource_usage data.search_props.sid::* | stats max(data.written_mb) as mbWritten last(_time) as _time by data.search_props.sid | bucket _time span=1m | stats sum(mbWritten) as mbWrittenBySearch by _time
sarwshai, Can you elaborate your question? are you experiencing any issues with search results or the rates at which you are expecting? is it slow?
No, there isn't any issue with search results, i want to specifically know the transfer rate of logs for the scheduled searches i have in my environment, i.e i want to calculate the data transfer(bps or eps) between my search head and indexer for the scheduled searches i have.