How to check the replication status of any bucket with below details:
Replication factor = 4
search factor = 3
use Master dashboard
The ./splunk show cluster-bundle-status command really does give you the granularity that the gui console does if you are trying to get to that end state.
use Master dashboard
Thanks, any command to use? i love CLI.
./bin/splunk show cluster-status
should give you basic info
Check ./splunk help cluster
for further options.
Refer http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.4.2/Admin/CLIadmincommands for full list of commands
Which Splunk do I rune this on please? You listed
/bin/splunk show cluster-status should give you basic info
Check ./splunk help cluster for further options.
You have to run this command on Cluster Master.
does it help?
Yes, thanks.
I have found that my customers like - ./splunk show cluster-bundle-status