Hi Team,
In my project need to be implement High Availability servers in below Servers are using.
Z1-->L4 -->SearchHead+Indexer single instanceonly(Dev)
SearchHead+Indexer single instanceonly(QA)
App related below server:
Z2 --> HearvyForwarder(Prod,Dev,QA) individual Servers
Z3--> HearvyForwarder(Prod,Dev,QA) individual Servers
The above App related servers are connected Deployment server and SearchHead+Indexer
Note : my project there is no Cluster master
Please help how do we implement the High Availability implementation, please help the guide the above servers.
Hi @vijreddy30,
let me understand, quich kind of HA do you want to impement?
if HA on data, you need an Indexer Cluster: you need at least two Indexer and a Cluster master, you can find more information at https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/9.1.2/Indexer/Basicclusterarchitecture
If Ha in the presentation Layer, you neet a Search Head Cluster:, at least three Search Heads and a Deployer, as described at https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/9.1.2/DistSearch/SHCarchitecture
If at ingestion level, you need at least two Heavy Forwarders and a Load Balancer.
it's just as @gcusello said. You cannot create HA environment without indexer cluster. That needs minimum three nodes: manager node and minimum two peer.
Here is https://www.splunk.com/en_us/pdfs/tech-brief/splunk-validated-architectures.pdf document which you should read and use as a base instructions how different splunk installations are working and for what purpose those are targeted.
r. Ismo
Thanks for your help.
In my project there is no Cluster master, Deployment Server have, can i user deployment server as Cluster master?
SearchHead and Indexer are single instance.
Hi @vijreddy30 ,
you need a Cluster Manager only if you have an Indexer Cluster, so at least two Indexers.
Anyway, you cannot use a Deployment Server as Cluster Manager and you cannot use the same server for these roles:
Thanks for your guidelines.
Hi @vijreddy30 ,
let us know if we can help you more, or, please, accept one answer for the other people of Community.
Ciao and happy splunking
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated by all the Contributors 😉
based on this document https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/9.1.2/Deploy/Manageyourdeployment you cannot combine DS and CM on same server instance.
r. Ismo