Deployment Architecture

Estimated date/release for end of support of Linux kernel 2.6



I see that Linux kernel 2.6 is deprecated since 1 year (on April 2018, with Splunk 7.1.0).

I would like to know which future version of Splunk will "remove" this kernel version, and if there is an estimated release date.


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New Member

I see that Splunk 9.0.4 might still have compatibility with Linux kernel 2.6 "linux-2.6". Despite Splunk's documentation indicating the deprecation of kernel 2.6 since Splunk Enterprise 8.2.9, the RPM package name ("splunk-9.0.4-de405f4a7979-linux-2.6-x86_64.rpm") for Splunk 9.0.4 suggests it is still built on and for this kernel version. Additionally, RHEL 6, which uses kernel 2.6, remains in extended support until June 30, 2024. This means Splunk 9.0.4 "can run" on kernel 2.6 under RHEL 6 which is still under extended supported. (wow!, 18 years of support for 2.6 kernel from RHEL)

The Splunk support page might not reflect this compatibility, so even though Splunk 9.0.4 package name might indicate that its built on linux kernel 2.6 and RHEL 6 is still under extended support, You might have a hard time making your case to your boss that this is a good idea, let alone to Splunk Support on this configuration.


0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Per the doc file

Linux Kernel 2.6 x86-64: Enterprise and Free/Trial support is deprecated and might be removed entirely in a future release.

This means we don't have a solid time line defined for removing it, but at any time we can drop support for it. As advised, if you are concerned about this, please open a support ticket / talk to your account manager about this. This way our product team can evaluate if we should/not drop support for this..

Otherwise, upgrade! 🙂

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

Please contact Splunk Support or your Splunk SE if you are a paying customer

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