Deployment Architecture

Error on Overview Pane - Failed to fetch REST endpoint

Path Finder

REST Processor: Failed to fetch REST endpoint uri= from server Check that the URI path provided exists in the REST API.
Unexpected status for to fetch REST endpoint uri= from server= - Not Found


You can edit savedsearch panel and change the REST Endpoint to the updated version

REF. https://answers.splunk.comn/answers/239437/how-to-get-a-complete-list-with-descriptions-of-co.html

2017-05-10 SOLNESS-12056, SOLNESS-12106 On instances running Splunk Enterprise Security 4.6.0 or later, the Get Enabled Correlation Searches panel does not show results.
Replace the search with the following syntax: | rest splunk_server=local count=0 /services/saved/searches | search action.correlationsearch.enabled = 1 | stats count as total, count(eval(disabled=0)) as enabled | eval op = enabled . "/" . total | fields op

Path Finder

Perfect, thanks!

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