I Have a PoC environment consist - indexer cluster, SHC, deployment server, forwarder.
I have to deploy configuration files across indexer, any sort and simple way to configure.
You can distribute apps/configuration files to your indexers using Cluster Master. Put the required apps under $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps on the cluster master and apply cluster bundle to push the apps to all the peers.
More information in below document
You can distribute apps/configuration files to your indexers using Cluster Master. Put the required apps under $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps on the cluster master and apply cluster bundle to push the apps to all the peers.
More information in below document
Thanks a lot.
If you have an indexer cluster, you also need to have a cluster master. Indexer peer nodes get their configuration from the cluster master. This documented here.
Yes, i have deployed master server as well.