We recently worked with Pro Svcs to upgrade our Splunk Infrastructure and add two new search heads to the cluster. The recommendation was made to rebalance the indexes. How can I determine if any or all indexes need to be re-balanced? We have done 3 indexes. I'd like to see that status of those as well as the other indexes from a balancing perspective.
Adding Search Heads has nothing to do with Indexers or the balance of data on them. In any case, the GUI on the Cluster Master
clearly shows the balance and allows you to rebalance with the click of a button.
I misspoke (mistyped). We added 2 indexers.
Hi, you can try one of the two ways:
| rest /services/data/indexes splunk_server=idx* | stats sum(currentDBSizeMB) as totalDBSize by splunk_server
will also give you an idea of how balanced data is overall in terms of storage taken on peers. Jesse
This is helpful to get an idea of the overall bucket balance. I was hoping to get more specific detail about each individual index.
Try just | rest /services/data/indexes