Deployment Architecture

Deployment Server and HeavyForwarder app local folder



if we have on DS "app/local" with conf files, is that possible restarting it that it pushes DS "app/local" to HF "app/local" and deletes custom local conf files on HF (created from HF GUI)?


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The configuration file props.conf will be stored in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps(Heavy forwarder) if you generate it on the deployment server at $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/deployment-apps and send it to the heavy forwarders via the deployment server.

Please remove the file before pushing it from the deployment server; otherwise, it will not automatically appear in the /etc/apps (heavy forwarder) when the deployment server is reloaded. It will surpass. 

How to edit a configuration file - Splunk Documentation 

I hope this helps, if any reply helps you, you could add your upvote/karma points to that reply, thanks.

View solution in original post


Hi @kiran_panchavat renaming DS "app/local" to "app/local.OLD" is enough? Thanks.


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The configuration file props.conf will be stored in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps(Heavy forwarder) if you generate it on the deployment server at $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/deployment-apps and send it to the heavy forwarders via the deployment server.

Please remove the file before pushing it from the deployment server; otherwise, it will not automatically appear in the /etc/apps (heavy forwarder) when the deployment server is reloaded. It will surpass. 

How to edit a configuration file - Splunk Documentation 

I hope this helps, if any reply helps you, you could add your upvote/karma points to that reply, thanks.
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