Does the splunk DB connect app encrypt communication between splunk and the Database(s) it's connected to?
Unfortunately there is no definitive answer for this question. DB Connect uses JDBC drivers to connect to databases. Some of those JDBC drivers do support encryption, some don't. Some of them encrypt the connection by default, others don't.
Here's a quick list from the top of my head:
To summarize: In most cases encryption can be enabled but mostly requires some configuration on both sides (server and client).
If you have questions on how to enable encryption on the Splunk side for specific database types, make sure to ask them here on Answers.
Here's an answer that deals with PostgreSQL and SSL:
Unfortunately there is no definitive answer for this question. DB Connect uses JDBC drivers to connect to databases. Some of those JDBC drivers do support encryption, some don't. Some of them encrypt the connection by default, others don't.
Here's a quick list from the top of my head:
To summarize: In most cases encryption can be enabled but mostly requires some configuration on both sides (server and client).
If you have questions on how to enable encryption on the Splunk side for specific database types, make sure to ask them here on Answers.
Here's an answer that deals with PostgreSQL and SSL:
The connection is via JDBC; so I would assume it depends on the channel between the JDBC driver and the database itself.