So, I have my search pulling out the correct data for the storage for each virtual machine. But, the problem is that the values are in bytes and I need to get the values in GB as my result and compare it with the host machine(called "changeSet.config.name") . Same thing for the memory (changeSet.summary.quickStats.hostMemoryUsage)
Here is my search
index=* sourcetype=vm "64-bit" | dedup changeSet.config.name | eval committedstorage = changeSet.summary.storage.committed/1000000000 | table changeSet.config.name , committedstorage changeSet.summary.quickStats.hostMemoryUsage
![alt text][1]
I tried to use the eval function but not getting the results.
Try this:
index=* sourcetype=vm "64-bit" | dedup changeSet.config.name | eval committedstorage = $changeSet.summary.storage.committed$/(1024*1024*1024) | table changeSet.config.name , committedstorage changeSet.summary.quickStats.hostMemoryUsage
Thanks ! Works perfectly.
Any idea on how to find the write latency and read latency for each datastore on the virtual machines?
I'm not sure what you mean but if you ask another question and include some sample events, I am sure one of us will be able to answer.