Our monitoring console is also acting as a deployment server.
As per SVD-2022-0608 vulnerability, we need to upgrade our deployment server to v9.x, however, considering its sharing the role of monitoring console as well, I was wondering whether MC supports compability with peers v8.1.5 ?
From the docs, it states
The search head must be at the same or a higher level than the search peers.
So it looks like it may be possible.
Can someone please advise if there would be any issues with this ?
Hi @dm1,
in general, if your Deployment Server has to manage many clients it isn't a good idea to use it also for another role, even if the Monitor Console.
Anyway, as you said, the MC is a Search Head and it has to te have a release equal or greter than the Search peers.
There shouldn't be any problem, is this a your doubt before the upgrade or have you an issue?
Hi @dm1,
in general, if your Deployment Server has to manage many clients it isn't a good idea to use it also for another role, even if the Monitor Console.
Anyway, as you said, the MC is a Search Head and it has to te have a release equal or greter than the Search peers.
There shouldn't be any problem, is this a your doubt before the upgrade or have you an issue?
Hi @dm1,
good for you, see next time!
Ciao and happy splunking
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated by all the contributors 😉
Hi @dm1,
good for you, see next time!
Ciao and happy splunking
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated by all the contributors 😉
Our Dep Server does'n't have more than 30 clients, so all good.
Yes, it was just my doubt.
Hi @dm1,
in this case there isn't any problem.
Only one final doubt: why do you want to upgrade only DS and not also Search peers?
it's always a best practice to have the same version in all components, the rule of greater version is usually only for special or temporary conditions, usually the version is the same.
I can answer that 🙂
It's way easier to simply quickly upgrade one component due to a CVE than to plan the whole upgrade process of a distributed environment (especially that upgrading to x.0.0 versions is always risky and many admins tend to avoid it; and I can't blame them).