I am looking for a way to add some forwarders / clients to a server class (serverclass.conf) by using the CLI / command line.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance.
Not that I'm aware of. Documentation also doesn't mention it: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Updating/Definedeploymentclasses
It is either by editing the serverclass.conf file or through the Forwarder Management UI.
Of course you can always create some kind of script to modify the serverclass.conf from the command line interface of your Deployment Server's Operating System. But there don't seem to be Splunk CLI commands to perform serverclass management actions.
Not that I'm aware of. Documentation also doesn't mention it: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Updating/Definedeploymentclasses
It is either by editing the serverclass.conf file or through the Forwarder Management UI.
Of course you can always create some kind of script to modify the serverclass.conf from the command line interface of your Deployment Server's Operating System. But there don't seem to be Splunk CLI commands to perform serverclass management actions.
Thanks for confirming!