I make sure the search results can return the results which is within 24h period as expected.
I am trying to use the prebuilt panel included with Splunk add-on for Symantec DLP - "symantec_dlp_top_10_incident_senders_in_last_24h" to show the particular intertesed senders who caused the incidents.
The following is the context of prebuilt panel of "symantec_dlp_top_10_incident_senders_in_last_24h". I expect they shall be correct, without having any further modification?
<query>sourcetype="symantec:dlp:syslog" earliest=-24h | top limit=10 showperc=false sender</query>
Then i added the prebuilt panel to dashboards in order to view the results, but no luck.
In fact, I tried all the prebuilt panels included with Splunk add-on for Symantec DLP as follows.
The above panels are found in > Splunk Web > Settings > User interface > Prebuilt panels. Again I expect they shall be correct, without having any further modification?
FYI: As per the official instructions, I have specified the following variables to extract from my Symantec DLP system and send them to Splunk.
Message = ID: $INCIDENT_ID$, Policy Violated: $POLICY$, Rules: $POLICY_RULES$, Count: $MATCH_COUNT$, Protocol: $PROTOCOL$, Recipient: $RECIPIENTS$, Sender: $SENDER$, Severity: $SEVERITY$, Subject: $SUBJECT$, Target: $TARGET$, Filename: $FILE_NAME$, Blocked: $BLOCKED$, Endpoint: $ENDPOINT_MACHINE$
Pls check my answer to one of your other question.
You need to install https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/1314/ to see the dashboard/pre-built panels in addition to installing the TA - https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/3029/
Also, if you use diff sourcetype/index, you may need to adjust them to match with DLP Add-on/app.
Pls check my answer to one of your other question.
You need to install https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/1314/ to see the dashboard/pre-built panels in addition to installing the TA - https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/3029/
Also, if you use diff sourcetype/index, you may need to adjust them to match with DLP Add-on/app.
If this has helped, can you pls accept the answer to close tracking?
thank you for your answer which really helps.
Please ignore the second photo, and refer to this one instead.