There are a couple of issues with your existing statements in that you are using $value$ in the condition and looking for "Todos", which is actually $label$ and not the value, which you have set to *.
It's not clear if you need the $Select$ token for the input to be the value of the input, but on the basis that you are using the $Select$ token elsewhere, you can get rid of the condition statements and use a simple set of eval statements for your token setters.
The example below only needs 2 <eval> token statements to set the pane dependent tokens. Setting a token to null() is the same as unsetting it, so you don't need <condition>.
Note the use of $value$ and $label$ in the eval as it's tricky to compare a value of "*" which is the value of the Todos option.
<input type="dropdown" token="Select">
<choice value="*">Todos</choice>
<choice value="Tabela">Tabela</choice>
<choice value="Gráfico">Gráfico</choice>
<eval token="Tabela">if($value$="Tabela" OR $label$="Todos", "", null())</eval>
<eval token="Gráfico">if($value$="Gráfico" OR $label$="Todos", "", null())</eval>
<panel depends="$Gráfico$">
<p>Select token is $Select$</p>
<panel depends="$Tabela$">
<p>Select token is $Select$</p>
Hi @iegus ,
the answer from @michael_bates_1 is correct,
in addition, you could see in the Splunk Dashboard Examples app ( where you can find an example and the description about your requirement.
Hi, here is a working skeleton that shows the concept.
<form version="1.1">
<label>Sample Dropdown Selector</label>
<fieldset submitButton="false">
<input type="dropdown" token="select">
<choice value="All">All</choice>
<choice value="Table">Table</choice>
<choice value="Single">Single</choice>
<choice value="Graph">Graph</choice>
<choice value="None">None</choice>
<condition value="All">
<set token="Table"></set>
<set token="Graph"></set>
<set token="Single"></set>
<condition value="Table">
<unset token="Single"></unset>
<unset token="Graph"></unset>
<set token="Table"></set>
<condition value="Graph">
<unset token="Table"></unset>
<unset token="Single"></unset>
<set token="Graph"></set>
<condition value="Single">
<unset token="Table"></unset>
<set token="Single"></set>
<unset token="Graph"></unset>
<condition value="None">
<unset token="Table"></unset>
<unset token="Single"></unset>
<unset token="Graph"></unset>
<panel depends="$Table$">
<query>| makeresults count=10 | streamstats count | eval title="Item "+count</query>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
<option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
<panel depends="$Single$">
<query>| makeresults count=10 | streamstats count</query>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
<panel depends="$Graph$">
<query>| makeresults count=10 | streamstats count</query>
<option name="charting.chart">line</option>
<option name="charting.drilldown">none</option>
Hi there.
It looks like you dropdown logic is correct.
Set a token to display the panel, unset token to hide the panel.
To display all, simply set all tokens.
For each panel you want to hide/show, ensure you have something similar to the following
You would have a token for each of the elements you want to conditionally display; table, single, and graph.
<panel depends="$graph$">
<panel depends=$table$">
<panel depends=$single$">
with the required elements in them
Could you show me how I can include the codes you sent and how it would look?