Dashboards & Visualizations

table creation from data

Path Finder

i have data in an index=xyz in json format like with http status code from specific applications

this below is a single event data

  "Application1": "200",
  "Application2": "200",
  "Application3": "200"
i want the data to be visualized like

application12003 hours ago
application 2200

3 hours ago

how can i get output like this ?
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1 Solution



Here are two possibilities using foreach and transpose:

| stats latest(_time) as _time latest(Application*) as Application*
| foreach Application* 
    [ eval Application=mvappend(Application, "<<FIELD>>|".<<FIELD>>) ] 
| mvexpand Application
| eval reltime=tostring(now()-_time, "duration")." ago", Application=split(Application, "|"), Status=mvindex(Application, 1), Application=mvindex(Application, 0)
| table Application Status reltime
| stats latest(_time) as _time latest(Application*) as Application*
| transpose 0 column_name=Application
| eval reltime=case(Application=="_time", 'row 1')
| filldown reltime
| eval reltime=tostring(now()-reltime, "duration")." ago"
| search Application=Application*
| rename "row 1" as Status

In both examples, reltime is formatted as a duration (d+HH:MM:SS) with the suffix "ago." If you want to show approximate seconds, minutes, hours, or days ago:

| eval reltime=now()-reltime, reltime=coalesce(case(reltime>=86400, floor(reltime/86400). " days", reltime<86400 AND reltime>=3600, floor(reltime/3600)." hours", reltime<3600 AND reltime>=60, floor(reltime/60)." minutes"), reltime." seconds")." ago"

View solution in original post



Here are two possibilities using foreach and transpose:

| stats latest(_time) as _time latest(Application*) as Application*
| foreach Application* 
    [ eval Application=mvappend(Application, "<<FIELD>>|".<<FIELD>>) ] 
| mvexpand Application
| eval reltime=tostring(now()-_time, "duration")." ago", Application=split(Application, "|"), Status=mvindex(Application, 1), Application=mvindex(Application, 0)
| table Application Status reltime
| stats latest(_time) as _time latest(Application*) as Application*
| transpose 0 column_name=Application
| eval reltime=case(Application=="_time", 'row 1')
| filldown reltime
| eval reltime=tostring(now()-reltime, "duration")." ago"
| search Application=Application*
| rename "row 1" as Status

In both examples, reltime is formatted as a duration (d+HH:MM:SS) with the suffix "ago." If you want to show approximate seconds, minutes, hours, or days ago:

| eval reltime=now()-reltime, reltime=coalesce(case(reltime>=86400, floor(reltime/86400). " days", reltime<86400 AND reltime>=3600, floor(reltime/3600)." hours", reltime<3600 AND reltime>=60, floor(reltime/60)." minutes"), reltime." seconds")." ago"
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