I've written a custom view in Splunk6 that shows me search results as plain HTML content.
The simple xml view works and shows my html content when the page loads. But if I try to use form inputs such as a dropdown, the view doesn't update when I hit the submit button.
I've basically copy/pasted the examples from Splunk6 custom visualization examples, the code looks as follows:
following code gives me a dropdown with a list of splunk apps:
<fieldset autoRun="true">
<input type="dropdown" token="app_name" searchWhenChanged="false">
<label>Select an App:</label>
<populatingSearch fieldForValue="app" fieldForLabel="app">
<![CDATA[ | script python splunksvn -v ]]>
following code integrates my custom visualization:
<h2>local svn diff</h2>
<div id="htmlcontent-diffsearch"
class="splunk-manager splunk-searchmanager "
"app": "subversion",
"preview": true,
"search": { "type": "token_safe", "value": "| script python splunksvn -c $app_name$}
<div id="htmlcontent-diff"
"managerid": "htmlcontent-diffsearch"
In my htmlcontent.js file I've basically just implemented the "updateView" function:
updateView: function(viz, data) {
var myResults = data[0]; // Sets this to the first (and only) row
I suspect that the "html" element in simple xml doesn't know anything about the submit action. But how can I tell my view to update?
Kind regards
Using double dollar signs for the token in the search string helped...
"search": { "type": "token_safe", "value": "| script python splunksvn -c $app_name$ }
"search": { "type": "token_safe", "value": "| script python splunksvn -c $$app_name$$ }
Thanks, this worked for me.
Using double dollar signs for the token in the search string helped...
"search": { "type": "token_safe", "value": "| script python splunksvn -c $app_name$ }
"search": { "type": "token_safe", "value": "| script python splunksvn -c $$app_name$$ }
I do have the same issue (my impression) as the question asker and when i try this trick with the double $ then i will never ever get a result :-=)
Are you aware that your "value": "| script... doesn't have a closing quotation mark? Could that be the problem, or is it just a copy/paste artifact?
This worked for me thanks!
.. by the way, the code works with all ohter elements (such as table, chart, single). "html" seems to be the only element not reacting on form changes