Dashboards & Visualizations

"No Data" with Dashboard Studio

New Member

Hello, I am trying to determine why my table on Dashboard Studio is showing "No Data" but it shows on Dashboard Classic.

I referenced the report in the code and I am using a token for data input. Whenever I open in search, it pulls up all the data I need, but just does not show in the Dashboard.

    "type": "ds.savedSearch",
    "options": {
        "ref": "E.1_Malicious_Emails_Inbound"

Screenshot 2023-12-12 160726.png

I also checked the APP permissions, and they are in the same app and readable between the report and dashboard. Just No Data.

Has anyone ran into an issue like this?



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New Member

I was having the same issue. Looking in the code editor for the table showed that a field summary had been set somehow.


Removing this seemed to fix my issue.

0 Karma


I have the same issue but these arguments are not set in the code? Same issue as OP is writing about. The table is shown if i select the classic dashboard, but not in studio..

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