Hello ,
I need to frame the search query for <drilldown_search> for the following type :
"drilldown_search": "| from datamodel:\"Authentication\".\"Authentication\" | search src=$src|s$"
Currently in my results have value for src, how Do I escape this '|s' in the query string.
Hello @kamlesh_vaghela
Use Case:
The current requirement is to fetch the base events from Contributing events for a Notable event using Splunk Search Rest API. Reference https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/SplunkCloud/8.1.2101/RESTREF/RESTsearch#search.2Fjobs
As part of the Post Search action, we have rule_id & timestamp. in response <sid>(Search ID) is returned . With help of this <sid> <drilldown> parameteres. like <drilldown_name>,<drilldown_latest>,<drilldown_earliest>,<drilldown_search> & <src> fields we need to make search query.
My question is based on these drilldown parameters how do I make the search query for fetching the base events using <drilldown_search>?
"drilldown_search": "| from datamodel:\"Authentication\".\"Authentication\" | search src=$src|s$"
This is API URL for post action:
Where and all fields do I need to replace the '$src$' value and frame the query?
Can you pleas share code block of this?
"drilldown_search": "| from datamodel:\"Authentication\".\"Authentication\" | search src=$src|s$"
I doing this in Postman, passing data search value by substituting the src value as request param
| from datamodel:\"Authentication\".\"Authentication\" | search src="NAOBDSADDC01"
for single value of src.