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i am reading from log file and have query to return all the host. can we include teh step to categories test/qa/prod in

Path Finder

i am reading teh host from log file and have query to return all the host. 


index=aaa  source="/var/log/test1.log"|stats count by host


 can we include teh step to categories test/qa/prod in the drop down list  from the list of host returned in the query itself?(using wildcard if host has t then test /if host has q -qa server, etc?

but for now i am using static options 

test - testhost

qa - qahost

prod - prodhost

Labels (1)
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You can use the populating search of the drop down to add dynamic options and do something like this to categorise the host type

index=aaa  source="/var/log/test1.log"
|stats count by host
| eval category=case(match(host, "t"), "Test", 
                     match(host, "q"), "QA", 
                     match(host, "p"), "Prod",
                     true(), "Unknown")

change the match statement regex as needed and the category you want to show.

category will be the <fieldForLabel> and then you need to make the <fieldForValue> to contain the value element you want for the token.

0 Karma

Path Finder

in QA and PROd i have 3 servers

test - testhost

qa - qahost1,qahost2,qahost3

prod - prodhost1,prodhost2,prodhost3

and my query would be for qa if i choose qa from dropdownlist


index=aaa(source="/var/log/tes1.log" (host=qahost1) OR (host=qahost2,) OR (host=qahost3) )


can you please help me integrate above one with below query?

index=aaa source="/var/log/test1.log"
|stats count by host
| eval category=case(match(host, "t"), "Test",
match(host, "q"), "QA",
match(host, "p"), "Prod",
true(), "Unknown")
0 Karma


Here's a simple example

<form version="1.1">
  <fieldset submitButton="false">
    <input type="dropdown" token="hosts" searchWhenChanged="true">
      <label>Host Types</label>
      <choice value="prodhost*">Production</choice>
      <choice value="qahost*">QA</choice>
      <choice value="testhost*">Test</choice>
index=aaa source="/var/log/test1.log" host=$hosts$
|stats count by host
        <option name="drilldown">none</option>
        <option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>

I suggest you look at this and have a look through the documentation that describes this



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