Dashboards & Visualizations

how to design the slideshow in studio dashboard

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Hi Team,

We have designed a studio dashboard like below with 70 KPI panels in the same page, but we want the KPI panels to be splitted and add only 20 panels per page, so that the next panels will go to next page. and also we want to design this pages in such a way that they will be moving on to next pages one after the other with a sepecified time span, so that we can select the time span. Time span should be 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds like that.


The above shown is the kpi dsahboard we have designed.

We request you to kindly help us on this.

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Dashboard studio does not allow for custom JS and does not have any in-built capability to do it on its own. You could try to do something like this using SimpleXML dashboard and some custom JS scripting on your side.

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