Chapter 12 of "Big Data Analytics Using Splunk" covers the details of what you are looking to do. In the book, the author is analyzing a Twitter feed.
Some quick outtakes:
Most popular words (page 220)
* | head 200 | makemv text | mvexpand text | top text
and filtering out the stop words (page 221)
lang=en | makemv text | mvexpand text | search text NOT [ |inputlookup StopWords.csv | rename Word as text ] | top text
Hope that points you in the right direction.
My case example:
eval text=lower(NOTES)|
eval text=urldecode(text)|
makemv text |
mvexpand text |top limit=50000 text|
search NOT ( [ |inputlookup StopWords_inc.csv|rename Word as text ] )|
head 100
PD: The NOTES field is used in my work to record Ticket data (service center)
If there's a question hiding in there please post it as a separate question.
Chapter 12 of "Big Data Analytics Using Splunk" covers the details of what you are looking to do. In the book, the author is analyzing a Twitter feed.
Some quick outtakes:
Most popular words (page 220)
* | head 200 | makemv text | mvexpand text | top text
and filtering out the stop words (page 221)
lang=en | makemv text | mvexpand text | search text NOT [ |inputlookup StopWords.csv | rename Word as text ] | top text
Hope that points you in the right direction.
OK, Thank u. Then, I have another question how to search some word from both field Word in word.csv and field text.
I tried follow search command, but it turned out wrong
search text= [|inputlookup word.csv| fields word]
search text AND[|inputlookup word.csv| fields word]
makemv text | mvexpand text | search text NOT [ |inputlookup StopWords.csv | rename Word as text ] | top text
is not working for me. I am getting no results. pls help.