I'm facing issue with formatting sparkine as bar chart for multiple sparklines
index=xxx counter="% Idle time" OR counter="% User Time" |stats sparkline(avg(Value),1h) as Trend avg(Value) as "Avg_Value" by host counter|eval Avg_Value=round(Avg_Value,2)."%"|xyseries host counter "Avg_Value" Trend
I could see sparkline trend values as "Trend:% Idle time" "Trend:% User Time". How to specify this in format tag
Tried this
<format field= "Trend:% Idle time" type="sparkline">
<option name="type">bar</option>
This is not working.. can someone please help
This is resolved. I could rename and give in different format tags. Thanks..
This is resolved. I could rename and give in different format tags. Thanks..