Dashboards & Visualizations

display a daily total and 5 min charts of the same data


I would  to have a graph so I can see the trend  for a period and have a overlay with the running total for the day
Colleague suggested this


index= ......
| timechart sum(values) span=5m by hosts limit=0
| addtotals


 But, it doesn't give the running total for day it give the total for the measurement period

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index ...
| timechart sum(values) span=5m limit=0 by hosts
| addtotals
| bin _time as day span=1d
| streamstats sum(Total) as running reset_on_change=true by day
| fields - day Total


Honestly, your requirements is a bit vague. How would that work? You want to have a timechart of 5-minute sums by host and additionally for each host a separate series repeating throughout the whole day the value of overall sum per host? That will not look well on the graph.

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