Dashboards & Visualizations

conditionally show d3 visualization


So I have a dashboard with a base search that I display in several ways. One of them is a panel with a link switcher and depending on the selected value, one of the two div containing a d3 visualization is showing.

My problem is: when I switch to a different visualization, then the div stays empty until the search from which I derive is refreshed (by change of some form input).

What am I overlooking?

the snippet:

  <input type="link" token="unused">
    <label>Choose a visualization...</label>
    <choice value="sankey">Sankey</choice>
    <choice value="forcedirected">Force Directed Graph</choice>
      <condition value="sankey">
        <set token="showSankey">true</set>
        <unset token="showForceDirected"></unset>
      <condition value="forcedirected">
        <set token="showForceDirected">true</set>
        <unset token="showSankey"></unset>
  <search id="viz_search" base="base">
    <query>stats count by from to</query>
  <html depends="$showSankey$">
    <div id="sankey" class="splunk-view" data-require="app/custom_vizs/components/sankey/sankey" data-options="{           &quot;managerid&quot;: &quot;viz_search&quot;,           &quot;height&quot;: &quot;400px&quot;         }"></div>  
  <html depends="$showForceDirected$">
    <h2>Force Directed</h2>
    <div id="forcedirected" class="splunk-view" data-require="app/custom_vizs/components/forcedirected/forcedirected" data-options="{           &quot;managerid&quot;: &quot;viz_search&quot;,           &quot;height&quot;: &quot;500px&quot;,           &quot;panAndZoom&quot;: false,           &quot;isStatic&quot;: false         }"></div>
0 Karma


Hi dominiquevocat,

I had the same problem til I changed the div id="force directed" to div id="custom" take a look at this example:

<form script="autodiscover.js">
  <fieldset submitButton="false">
    <input type="link" token="unused">
      <label>Choose a visualization...</label>
      <choice value="sankey">Sankey</choice>
      <choice value="forcedirected">Force Directed Graph</choice>
        <condition value="sankey">
          <set token="showSankey">true</set>
          <unset token="showForceDirected"></unset>
        <condition value="forcedirected">
          <set token="showForceDirected">true</set>
          <unset token="showSankey"></unset>
          <search id="viz_search">
                    index=_internal sourcetype=splunk_web_access NOT uri_path=*/static/* uri_path=*/app/* OR uri_path=*/manager/* 
                    | rex field=referer "https?://.+?/.+?(?<referer_path>/[^\\?]+)" 
                    | rex field=uri_path "/.+?(?<path>/.+)" 
                    | rename referer_path as from path as to 
                    | stats count by from to | sort -count | head 50
    <panel depends="$showSankey$">
       <div id="sankey"
                            "managerid": "viz_search",
                            "height": 400
    <panel depends="$showForceDirected$">
     <h2>Force Directed</h2>
     <div id="custom" 
                                 "managerid": "viz_search",
                                 "height": "500px",
                                 "panAndZoom": false,
                                 "isStatic": false

Hope this helps und Grüsse nach Basel!

cheers, MuS

0 Karma


hm, it did not change much for me 😕 but thanks.

0 Karma
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