<label>drilldown time</label>
<unset token="epoch" />
<unset token="human" />
<query>|makeresults |eval time=_time| fieldformat time=strftime(time,"%F %T")</query>
<set token="epoch">$click.value2$</set>
<eval token="human">strftime($epoch$,"%F%T")</eval>
- click _time, fine
- click time, not work
What else can I do besides rename X as _time?
Given that the fieldformat time is ISO, not epoch as expected, just reverse the strXtime logic
<label>drilldown time</label>
<unset token="epoch" />
<unset token="human" />
<query>|makeresults |eval time=_time| fieldformat time=strftime(time,"%F %T")</query>
<set token="epoch">$click.value2$</set>
<eval token="human">strftime($epoch$,"%F %T")</eval>
<set token="human2">$row.time$</set>
<eval token="epoch2">strptime($human2$,"%F %T")</eval>
<h2>EPOCH: $epoch$</h2>
<h2>HUMAN: $human$</h2>
<h2>EPOCH2: $epoch2$</h2>
<h2>HUMAN2: $human2$</h2>
Given that the fieldformat time is ISO, not epoch as expected, just reverse the strXtime logic
<label>drilldown time</label>
<unset token="epoch" />
<unset token="human" />
<query>|makeresults |eval time=_time| fieldformat time=strftime(time,"%F %T")</query>
<set token="epoch">$click.value2$</set>
<eval token="human">strftime($epoch$,"%F %T")</eval>
<set token="human2">$row.time$</set>
<eval token="epoch2">strptime($human2$,"%F %T")</eval>
<h2>EPOCH: $epoch$</h2>
<h2>HUMAN: $human$</h2>
<h2>EPOCH2: $epoch2$</h2>
<h2>HUMAN2: $human2$</h2>
thanks @bowesmana
I want epoch time value and it displays human readable , and to get the original epoch value by drilldown.
I'm trying to figure out how to do this when there are multiple time fields.
It's easy to get it with human readable and convert it to epoch with strptime.