I have a simple bar chart that sums a number("SLOC") by another field("file").
each file has another field that describes it - "sloc_type" - and I want to change the files bars colors by the "sloc_type" field.
example to the chart now:
the "sloc_type" field has only 2 options: rtl, verif.
I need the files bar to be in a specific color, in order to separate them by their "sloc_type"
try creating a Stacked bar chart with the following query:
index=testeda_p groupID=sloc_data
| search project=Periph core=ipa core_ver=4.2.0
| chart sum(sloc) as SLOC over file by sloc_type
| sort -SLOC
| head 10
try creating a Stacked bar chart with the following query:
index=testeda_p groupID=sloc_data
| search project=Periph core=ipa core_ver=4.2.0
| chart sum(sloc) as SLOC over file by sloc_type
| sort -SLOC
| head 10
thanks. it really got me closer to what I needed
@matansocher, glad it helped! Please let us know if something is still not as expected or if you need further help 🙂
my search:
index=testeda_p groupID=sloc_data
| search project=Periph core=ipa core_ver=4.2.0
| stats sum(sloc) as SLOC by file
| sort -SLOC
| head 10