i have two fields such as "request_time" and "app_error".
I need to show the count and percentage as well. This is working fine when I am using pie chart. But i want to use a 100% stacked bar chart. So, whenever i mouse over to the bar, it has to show count and percentage like if count is "request_time 62 percentage 68.2%" and "app_error 44 percentage 32%" like pie chart.
hey, have you looked at @niketnilay's answer?
let me know if this helps!
Hi @mayurr98 , thanks for the reference but i don't want to use the script. i am looking for a query which shows percentage. for example request_time count is 622 and app_error count is 350 then when i mouse over on the bar display request_time 62.2% and app_count is remaining % out of 100%.
I do not think its possible through query or XML as pie chart has that option already but you will have to use a script to add "%" sign for the stacked bar chart.
let's see if anyone has a better idea for this or if it is solvable through query.
its working fine but x axis field names are not displaying like by cause.
stats count(type) as names sum(bytes) as Bytes by browsers | addtotals fieldname=_Total | foreach * [eval <> = '<>' * 100 / _Total] | fields - _Total