Hi, Splunkers,
I have a Search with an input token , which is not working in my query in dashboard
t_TargetType is token name.
| search AFRoute=if($t_TargetType|s$ == "A","true","*")
when token has value A,
| search AFRoute=if("A" == "A","true","*"), which I assume is equal to | search AFRoute="true".
but when I directly run a search with | search AFRoute=if("A" == "A","true","*") , it doesn't work same as | search AFRoute="true".
what's the difference between | search AFRoute=if("A" == "A","true","*") and | search AFRoute="true"?
You could try nesting the if's
<eval token="AFRoute_search">if($t_TargetType|s$ == "A","true",if($t_TargetType|s$ == "GA","false","*"))</eval>
Or the other thing might be if you have spread the case function across two (or more lines) it won't work. case functions have to be complete all in one line (for some reason!).
You can't evaluate as part of a search, but could you do the evaluation as part of the original token setting?
Thx, ITWhisperer,
I noticed that.
now, I tried to use where AFRoute=case as below:
basically, token can have 3 values, ALL/*, Agent/A, GroupAgent/GA,
it works when Agent/A, GroupAgent/GA are selected from dropdown list, but when ALL/* is selected, it doesn't work.
the following is where clause I used in query, and the other 3 are when 3 different values are selected, what shown in search.
| where AFRoute=case($t_TargetType|s$ == "A","true",$t_TargetType|s$ == "GA","false",$t_TargetType|s$ == "*","*")
| where AFRoute=case("*" == "A","true","*" == "GA","false","*" == "*","*") ( not working)
| where AFRoute=case("GA" == "A","true","GA" == "GA","false","GA" == "*","*") (working)
| where AFRoute=case("A" == "A","true","A" == "GA","false","A" == "*","*") (working)
but if I directly add | search AFRoute=*, or | search AFRoute="*", it works.
How are you setting the token?
select it from here. when GA or A selected, it works fine, but when ALL/* is selected, I expected both GA and A all returned.
Add a change handler to the input to evaluate the setting, and set another token based on it, then use this token in the search. Try something like this
<eval token="AFRoute_search">if($t_TargetType$ == "A","true","*")</eval>
| search AFRoute=$AFRoute_search|s$
Hi, ITWhisperer,
I used case($t_TargetType|s$ == "A","true",$t_TargetType|s$ == "GA","false",$t_TargetType|s$ == "*","*") , instead of if($t_TargetType$ == "A","true","*")
for 3 selections, all return: | search AFRoute="null"
doesn't eval token support case($t_TargetType|s$ == "A","true",$t_TargetType|s$ == "GA","false",$t_TargetType|s$ == "*","*") ??? only support if($t_TargetType$ == "A","true","*") ???
<input type="dropdown" token="t_TargetType" searchWhenChanged="true">
<eval token="AFRoute_search">case($t_TargetType|s$ == "A","true",$t_TargetType|s$ == "GA","false",$t_TargetType|s$ == "*","*")</eval>
<choice value="*">ALL</choice>
<choice value="GA">AgentGroup</choice>
<choice value="A">Agent</choice>
| search AFRoute=$AFRoute_search|s$
| search AFRoute="null"
Just tried, if($t_TargetType$ == "A","true","*") works,
but I do need to distinguish the GA and *. , if case($t_TargetType|s$ == "A","true",$t_TargetType|s$ == "GA","false",$t_TargetType|s$ == "*","*") is not supported, is there another way to do this?
You could try nesting the if's
<eval token="AFRoute_search">if($t_TargetType|s$ == "A","true",if($t_TargetType|s$ == "GA","false","*"))</eval>
Or the other thing might be if you have spread the case function across two (or more lines) it won't work. case functions have to be complete all in one line (for some reason!).
Sorry for bothering you again.
the following change was working at the first beginning, for all three selections, Agent/A, GroupAgent/GA, ALL/*
<eval token="AFRoute_search">if($t_TargetType|s$ == "A","true",if($t_TargetType|s$ == "GA","false","*"))</eval>
then, not sure what other change I made, I noticed it stopped working today.
all three selections all have |search AFRoute= $AFRoute_search|s$ , shown in search |search AFRoute= *
the only change I thought might be related is I added TargetTypeID in TargetType Input, just for associating style/css purpose.
I even removed it to test if it has anything to do with "search AFRoute= *" issue,
but obviously, issue still there.
is there anyway to troubleshoot this? why 3 selection all returned search AFRoute= * ???
So, you changed something - what is the SimpleXML code for your dropdown now?
Hi, ITWhisperer,
the only change I thought might be related is I added id="TargetTypeID" , which is for associating style/css purposes. but I tried to remove it, it still doesn't work as it worked at the beginning.
<input id="TargetTypeID" type="dropdown" token="t_TargetType" searchWhenChanged="true">
<eval token="AFRoute_search">if($t_TargetType|s$ == "A","true",if($t_TargetType|s$ == "GA","false","*"))</eval>
<choice value="*">ALL</choice>
<choice value="GA">GroupAgent</choice>
<choice value="A">Agent</choice>
search string using this TargetType token handler is no change as below:
| search AFRoute=$AFRoute_search|s$
when I opened search from dashboard, I remember I used to be able to see the full expression like the following expression in search based on dropdown list selection:
| where AFRoute=case("*" == "A","true","*" == "GA","false","*" == ".","*")
| where AFRoute=case("GA" == "A","true","GA" == "GA","false","GA" == "*","*")
| where AFRoute=case("A" == "A","true","A" == "GA","false","A" == "*","*")
which is helpful for troubleshooting, but now I can only see the result | search AFRoute=*
Besides, the original token t_TargetType still works fine.
not sure why its value not passed token handler AFRoute_search, or always * passed
| where AFRoute=case("*" == "A","true","*" == "GA","false","*" == ".","*")
| where AFRoute=case("GA" == "A","true","GA" == "GA","false","GA" == "*","*")
| where AFRoute=case("A" == "A","true","A" == "GA","false","A" == "*","*"),
these expressions are just examples I tried to show what I meant full expression with dynamic dropdown list selections, now , I didn't use case expression in my token handler, still using your nesting if there.
thx, will try.
What does the simpleXML look like?
noticed something interesting, when I changed this dropdown selection, the panel using the original token for this TargetType started refreshing, but the panel using this token handler no refreshing.
besides, I have some other search clause , which uses | search fieldname = $tokenname$, why this one uses $tokenhandlername|s$?
the following is the query including | search AFRoute=$AFRoute_search|s$
sourcetype="omni:ors:voice" $Gucid_token$ $t_ENT_Segment$ "IN THE TARGETING: Routing Target constructed as"
| rex field=_raw "vVQ =(?<ENT_VQ>.*?)\'"
| rex field=_raw "constructed as:<\/br>(?<Target>.*?)<\/"
| eval Target=if(substr(Target,1,34)=="UHC>0 & GovtPrograms>0 & Sales>0 &",substr(Target,35),Target)
| eval TargeValidator = Target
| rex mode=sed field=TargeValidator "s/(?<var>\w+)\s*(?<comparator>[<>=]+)\s*(?<num>0|[1-9]\d*)//g"
| eval VResult = if(match(TargeValidator,"[\d\w]"),"FALSE","TRUE")
| where match(VResult,$t_TargetSEValidation|s$)
| rex field=_raw "Call Priority is adjusted to (?<Priority>\d{1,3}?)<\/"
| eval sid = substr(sid,2,32)
| eval id=sid
| search ENT_VQ=$t_VQ$
| sort by id,_time asc
| streamstats count as SEInx by sid
| where SEInx > $skillexpressionLength$
| eval sid=if(SEInx=1,id,null())
| sort 0 -_time
| streamstats last(_time) AS end_epoch current=f
| eval end_time=strftime(end_epoch, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval start_time=strftime(_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval time_range=start_time." - ".end_time
| eval Dura=end_epoch-_time
| eval ENT_VQ=if(substr(ENT_VQ,1,26)=="VQ_UHC_GovtPrograms_Sales_",substr(ENT_VQ,27),ENT_VQ)
| sort 0 _time
| table _time,sid, id,SEInx,Dura,Target,VResult,ENT_VQ,Priority
| sort by id,_time asc
| join id
[ search index="cba_omni" sourcetype="omni:ors:voice" "Call to URS Function FetchConfigsOnDN completed"
| rex field=_raw "sid='(?<id>\w{20,40})'"
| rex field=_raw "env\\\":\\\"(?<ENV>\w{2,20})\\\""
| search ENV=$t_ENV_SelectedTarget$
| table _time,ENV,id ]
| eval sid = substr(sid,24,32)
| join id
[ search index="cba_omni" source="*ors*" "IN THE ROUTING: ROUTING CODE COMPLETED at Exit_IXN_Deleted" GovtPrograms
| rex field=_raw "sid='(?<id>\w{20,40})'"
| rex field=_raw "Routed:\\\"(?<Routed>\w{1,5})\\\""
| rex field=_raw "ENT_AfinitiStatus:\\\"(?<AFStatus>\w{2,10})\\\""
| rex field=_raw "ENT_AfinitiRoute:\\\"(?<AFRoute>\w{4,10})\\\""
| rex field=_raw "TargetLoopCnt:(?<TLCnt>\w{1,3})"
| search AFRoute=$AFRoute_search|s$
| table _time,id,AFRoute,TLCnt]
| eval StartDTM_epoch = relative_time(_time,"-20m")
| eval EndDTM_epoch = relative_time(_time,"+20m")
| table _time,ENV,sid, id,SEInx,Dura,Target,AFRoute,TLCnt,VResult,ENT_VQ,Priority,StartDTM_epoch,EndDTM_epoch
| sort by id,_time asc