Hi, Splunkers,
I have the following table drilldown earliest and latest time works properly.
but when I copied it to a chart drilldown, it stopped working.
I noticed table drilldown has the following drilldown option value= row.
<option name="drilldown">row</option>
and the link for passing earliest and latest time uses row.StartDTM_epoch, and row.EndDTM_epoch
I noticed my chart drilldown has the following drilldown option value= all.
<option name="drilldown">all</option>
so, I changed it to form.field2.earliest=$all.StartDTM_epoch$&form.field2.latest=$all.EndDTM_epoch$
not sure if the all.StartDTM_epoch and all.EndDTM_epoch casusing the failure.
the following is the related working code for table drilldown to pass earliest and latest time.
| eval StartDTM_epoch = relative_time(_time,"-20m")
| eval EndDTM_epoch = relative_time(_time,"+20m")
| eval TIME = strftime(_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| table _time,sid,Type,AgentName,DN,FAddress,Segment,Function,Client,Product,SubFunction,SubFDetail,MKTGCT,CCType,VQ,TLCnt,AFRoute,StateCD,TargetSelected,AFStatus,,CBOffered,CBRejected,AQT,EWT,EWTmin,PIQ,WT,LSInRange,LSPriority,LSRateS,PB,PCSS,PENT,PF,RONA,LANG,StartDTM_epoch,EndDTM_epoch</query>
<option name="count">20</option>
<option name="dataOverlayMode">none</option>
<option name="drilldown">row</option>
<option name="percentagesRow">false</option>
<option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
<option name="rowNumbers">true</option>
<option name="totalsRow">false</option>
<option name="wrap">true</option>
<condition match="$t_DrillDown$ = "*"">
<link target="_blank">
thx in advance.
Table uses drilldown row or cell and chart uses all, but you don't use "all" for referencing row values, it is still $row.xxx$
Look at the chart section here
It depends where you click in a chart as to the tokens/values you get.
What fields do you have in your data and what is the search for the chart?
I copied these earliest and latest time code from my table query, which works fine for table.
the only difference is drilldown option, for table, value = row, for chart , value=all.
Hi, bowesmana,
thx for your quick response.
it's the same chart as the last case about chart input. you helped me fix that issue.
still passed $click.name2$ as input.
for earliest, and latest time, I tried all.StartDTM_epoch, row.StartDTM_epoch, and StartDTM_epoch without prefix.
What sort of chart and what is your XML definition for that chart?
Just copying table to chart does not mean it will work, for example <fields> is not a valid entry for chart and pie charts, for example, do not support use of $row.XXX$ for drilldown, so please provide the chart detail.